Linkage makes it possible for SMMEs to gain equal access to procurement, development and funding opportunities by enabling a transparent and auditable process between onboarding, development, and conversion as a supplier.
An SMME in the database of one of Linkage corporate customers automatically accesses the platform through Linkage customer domain.
An SMME can register when a Linkage customer is recruiting for specific SMME profiles, a registration link is made available on the platform or through public channels
An SMME can register through Linkage website during a quarterly open window.
Outside of the above options, an SMME can complete a form below and our administrator will make contact.
A lack of visible transparent processes to enable becoming a supplier
A lack of standardised supplier grading processes
A lack of supplier experience and references
The Linkage platform addresses these challenges by offering a convenient marketing and communication platform to those who are ready to transact.
We also provide means whereby SMMEs can progress on their journey towards procurement readiness through tailored development programmes.
SMMEs have a transparent process of accessing corporate databases which is not cumbersome.
SMMEs do not pay any fee.
SMMEs have direct access to opportunities as well as development support including funding.
There is no fee for SMMEs can access the Linkage platform.
As an SMME, all that is required is for you to register your business on the platform.
You are then graded and provided with a procurement readiness status (Blue, Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum).
SMMEs who are procurement ready (Platinum graded) and do not have any evident short-term development needs will have their profiles made public to corporates who use the platform.
SMMEs who are not yet procurement ready (Blue, Bronze, Silver, Gold) will receive a development plan and support to become procurement ready.
A Gold supplier is one whose conversion to Platinum is imminent, with only a few areas in which full compliance must be demonstrated.
Let us help you, as an SMME, get access to corporate procurement, supply chains and enterprise supplier development opportunities.
Tel: 010 824 7924
46 Satara Ave,
Gallo Manor, Sandton,
South Africa